Friday, December 25, 2009

funny girl 101

im so funny. i like to hide behind things and pop out laughing. i like to say "dad" "dad" "dad" like twenty times just to hear my dad say "yes adelaide" in between. i like to fake cough until someone looks at me-then i smile at them. i like to say 'ho ho ho' but only at my house so when mommy asks me to say it to anyone else i pretend i can't. i like to bite things...anything...toes, couches, shoes, tables, tags, all my little people's heads... i like to say 'ah geeeez' like my grandpa-he's funny too. my mom thinks its funny but mostly creepy when sometimes i say things and they sound exactly like they should - like when my dad left for the store and i looked at my mom and said clear as day "where daddy?"

i am having so much fun being 10 months old.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

my big baby

so, i guess it took almost a month to finally get a 9 month appointment.

all is well in addieland. her weight - 24 lbs. 14 ozs. - 90th percentile, her head - ginormous and causing us to have to put her in bigger clothes cause her size do not fit over her noggin - her height - 29 in.+ - 97th percentile...

1. why are her hands and feet purple all the time?
2. she is fine, it is normal for a lot of babies, she has fair sensitive skin which is going to make it appear worse, if she is not bothered by it-it is not an issue.

so please stop freaking everybody out addie with your muppet-like are fine.

also, i love you, and i am sorry for the 3 shots. you don't have to go back until you are a year old! which our schedule will mean a year and a month!

BB and G list

addie's going for the BB and G list,
you know,
the bad boys and girls list.

somehow i think she's gonna get presents anyway...

pizza with santa

somebody needs to tell santa that pizza's better than cookies anyday!
so its a family tradition that when santa comes to the pizza parlor - we join him for lunch...

it was sweet, all-you-can-eat pizza served by santa's elves, a quick hello from mrs. claus right at our table, and the finale is a picture with the big guy himself. it was addie's first time seeing santa and i had heard horror stories from people about how babies can react - but somehow i knew she would love him.

and of course, she fact she couldn't take her eyes off of him even with all of us shouting her name for the family picture. oh well, i guess i got what i asked for : a little extrovert like me.

hopefully sometime this week addie will see the REAL know the macy's kind. stay tuned for her second introduction.

the daddy mac

addie loves to play on her daddy's mac...
future tech geeks look out, she types about 10 words a second...

well, no, of course they aren't actual words - its not like she's the scary kids on the commercials for Your Baby Can Read.. but she can put her fingers on the home keys.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

a few of my favorite things...

and she loves loves little people - mostly cause they fit in her mouth...
and she loves loves loves her new highchair - mostly cause it means mom will let her play with a spoon....
but what she really loves to do - is move - fast.