Saturday, August 1, 2009


so for the past two days my little lady has been miraculously returned to me. she is back to her laughing fits, her grabbing things out of my hand, her eating, her pooping, her talking, her screeching, her rolling, her sleeping, her happy face for strangers...
i couldn't be more excited to have her back.
so tonight we celebrated together by snuggling up and watching a movie on the floor in her bedroom. i hope that someday she has memories of watching movies with me..sprawled out..late night snacking...and laughing in the dark (or crying depending on the movie). i can still smell my old house, and see the gigantic t.v., and picture my mom lying on the floor in front of the t.v. and how she always put a towel down so we didn't get food on the carpet...and movies playing as we sprawled out all over the floor next to her.

i hope there are a at least a few more nights like tonight...if not i will remind her of this one. especially when she is screaming "i hate you" which she is certain to do at some point.

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