Wednesday, February 4, 2009

38 measuring 40

so i went to the doctor yesterday...

i am measuring 40 weeks, and am so swollen that it is starting to look like i have elephantitus of my ankles and my hands. i can't even get earrings in anymore-yes my holes have closed up! i tried to pick up captain crunch off the kitchen floor and my finger couldn't touch my thumb to create a grasp-i had to scoop them up by pressing my flattened hands together. WTH!

my blood pressure was also elevated, but they are not thinking preclampsia cause i have none of the other symptoms. my midwife just simply noted to me that 'some women swell and others don' are just one of the lucky ones that does'

freaking fantastic.

and the elevated blood pressure probably had to do with the road conditions being crappy on my way there as i fishtailed all over the highway and up and down the taft ramp. probably didn't help my blood pressure any that it took me 2.5 hours to get home from clifton...(should have taken 20 minutes)

sooooo.....anyway......her heartbeat was strong, and she is a big one, as yet again commented by my midwife.

she asked if i wanted her to check my cervix...and i thought about it...and then decided that i couldn't know. cause if there is no progress and i feel the way i feel...then i don't need to be let down, and terrified of how much worse its going to get in two weeks.

i mean, i am hyper alert of every pain, cramp, tightness, joint ache...i don't need to know that my cervix has been lazy in the midst of all this.

so to pamper myself i went with my friend stacy to get a pedicure...which seriously felt like i was getting a full body massage. it was spectacular...she just kept rubbing from my ankles to my knees as if to push all that fluid away from feet. i just kept telling her thank you thank you thank you...

so there you have it. i am like 12 days from her due date. with pretty purple toes. enormous ankles. hips that pop in and out of their sockets. and a belly that is constantly moving side to side.

pregnancy in the last three weeks is not fun. and any woman that tells you different was induced at week 37.

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