Monday, February 9, 2009



had a doctors appt today...and she checked me...

and i am three centimeters dilated...and 50 percent effaced.

they say i am progressing well naturally, and there should be very little reason for an induction. that i will most likely go before the weekend.

and that i should really start paying attention to the routine of the pain i have been in, start looking for the kind of cramping that comes in a pattern, 2-5 minutes apart, for atleast an hour. as in, contractions.

i think at that point - while i am extremely uncomfortable with pressure as it is right now - i kinda freaked out at the idea of more pain coming. the midwife even said so..."you look really nervous" "you okay?"

what do you say to that?

my whole life is about to change any hour now, i have a concrete tummy every hour for atleast ten minutes, and i am so tired.

so of course, i said "yeah, i am okay" " or atleast i believe i will be"

she was great about my lie - if she believed it - then maybe i can too!