Monday, April 27, 2009

lazy sunny mornin'

so my 9 week old loves...
being held, burrowing into your armpit, laughing, smiling, chatting, eating, dancing,
and of course movement of any kind. she is truly loving wearing all the latest summer fashions and enjoying the weather...

but lately my favorite thing to do in the morning is to have a chat with addie by the light of the windows. she just loves to watch the sun move around the room, and is most definitely in love with our curtains. she talks to them more than she talks to me...

she has increased her vocab times ten lately, so much so that she now coos in her sleep...which is hysterical and adorable and hard to sleep next to, to be honest. thats another video for another time - yea, we taped it for future ridicule.

but her smile, its indescribable..and easy to get from her now, well sometimes it here is the result of our latest conversation...

she went on to be very happy..i promise. what a performer...

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