Saturday, July 25, 2009

apparently..she wanted the real neil

so i wanted to have a family outing before greg left for NOLA...
things never work out the way i want them to..ever. greg was late, addie was cranky, i couldn't find the folding chairs, i couldn't find the carry-cooler, greg wasn't up for a picnic dinner, i wasn't up for arguing about something silly, we drove out of the driveway with addie's car door wide open, we got there and just set up "camp" right at the entrance, addie was cute for about a minute and then slept OR cried for the rest of the time....did i mention the bugs that i kept swatting off of her...
i can say that the best thing about the evening was the band. FOREVER DIAMOND is one of the greatest neil diamond tribute bands out there...and even though he was wearing a scary shirt, the singer sounded exactly like neil...and anything that remotely comes close to neil diamond is kick ass in my book. yes i said it. i love him. i love dancing to cherry cherry..i love fake dueting to you don't bring me flowers...i love that as i was singing along, old ladies were singing too. neil diamond makes everyone happy. even the lady who was strapped to her oxygen tank behind me had a blast...
so go ahead, knock him..just try to not tap your foot to a little cracklin' rosie. just try.

1 comment:

Anna, said...

YEAH!!! I didn't realize you guys were there. Don't knock those scary shirts - one of them was borrowed from Matt Luther. :)

They just got asked to do Taste of Blue Ash - maybe we can all go together.

PS - Love the new look of the blog!