Wednesday, July 23, 2008

10 weeks & 2 days?

so i had my first appointment with my midwife yesterday. and while i know it seems very odd - i was really looking forward to it because i love my midwife. she is hands down the coolest, sweetest, kindest, funniest medical person i have ever known. i started seeing her last may about wanting to get pregnant and having a hard time. she started my surgical journey with a lot of laughs, and very supported tears. she talked to me like a friend rather than a patient. especially about her continuous struggle to get pregnant.

she diagnosed, she treated, she hugged, she got excited for me, she hooked me up with Dr. Chin. But since it was mostly surgeries from January on-i didn't get to see her much at all. i was afraid she had forgotten about me. she even switched practices.

well i hunted her down. and waited two hours in a waiting room. had serious amounts of blood drawn. (OUCH). and then wham, she came bouncing into the room screaming "MEG! YOURE PREGNANT!!!! OH MY GOOODNESSS!" and then hugged me. it didn't matter that i was half naked on a table.

she just rocks.

and the best part was that she had news of her own. she is due in November. we were like giddy schoolgirls sharing secrets. except i don't recommend teenage pregnancy.

she even said she would lie to get me an ultrasound sooner cause she knows how hard it is to go so long now after fertility treatment weekly. she is just plain incredible. so i will get to see the baby in 3-D in two weeks!

so according to stacy, my miracle midwife,
  • my tummy is measuring bigger than most at this point and that is ok because one of the drugs i was on tends to swell the uterus. i am ok with this, but it does feel odd to show so much (and while some of it may be chub...i really had lost most of my stomach before this baby, so there...)
  • she won' t try to hear the heartbeat for another month-the longer you wait the stronger and louder it gets. if she tried and heard nothing - it wouldn't mean anything and would just get me all worked up.
  • she said i could rent a doppler machine-but that it might get me a little obsessed and cause more undue stress. but how cool would that be?
  • i still get to get off all my meds by my 12th week. wahooooooooo!
  • and my official due date is February 18th. (even though the nurse who drew my blood said i was 10 weeks and two days)
so great appointment, great midwife, feeling great all around...i didn't even nap yesterday so that has to be some sort of record.


Unknown said...

SO exciting. Your midwife sounds pretty fantastic!

Melanie said...

oh i love that you love your midwife. so fantastic!! a doppler. it's a total splurge, but pretty cool. we rented one and it was cool to use before we started to feel any movement, and was also pretty reassuring!!