Wednesday, March 18, 2009

oh thanks, but she is only 3 weeks old...

sorry there is not a new picture to post...
its that she is here - its like i spend most of my days trying to get to know her.

she is a very interesting dramatic little i am occupied constantly by trying to gain this knowledge about life with my daughter.

so far what i have learned...

1. there is little time to update my blog.
2. i can do just about anything one handed, except get dressed - that is very tricky.
3. she is a motion junkie...when in doubt MOVE with her.
4. my daughter loves the car...hates red lights and wants to make sure that i am reminded at each one.
5. you can't run into ANYWHERE anymore. i don't even say "i have to run to..." anymore - which i think was in my daily vocab.
6. hiccups hurt me more than they hurt her.
7. my daughter can burp louder than i can.
8. at 3 weeks, she looks 6 weeks - or atleast that is what strangers think.
9. i can somehow function on almost NO sleep...outstanding!
10. slings are the greatest things since pre-pregnancy sleep.
11. formula poops smell really bad.... really really bad.
12. her favorite place to be is right up on my shoulder - ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT long.

and of course, i have learned not to take any moment for granted. and that i love her more than i can say. and that everytime she smiles (even if its just gas) i laugh too thinking of how much fun we are going to have together.

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