Wednesday, December 24, 2008

32 weeks and a whoa...

so i am still laughing a little inside about the ultrasound technician saying "whoa" when her foot popped up on the screen. as in, she's a big one.

and i am getting crazy excited to meet pj.

my appointment on Monday went well. the midwives all think i am so funny. and i can't figure out why...i mean, they ask me everytime what my birth plan is...and i just say "PAINLESS".

this time we had the talk. the contraction talk. it is so weird to me to have to have that talk already. and that anyday, anytime, i could actually feel one. fake or not...i could actually feel one.

so she went through the procedure for what i should do. only i kept laughing, cause she said if i do feel one, drink lots of water and lay down with my feet up, or take a hot shower or bath. i am thinking if this happens during school - the shower may be tricky.

greg and i signed up for a birthing class. it says bring pillows and a blanket. what are we doing...acting it out? i am not sure i am up for that. plus, the thought of holding my legs open and up for any length of time just stresses me out.

an update on pregnancy bliss : got my first heartburn today. that was crazy painful. and it is getting harder and harder to get out of bed - and to move after being in the same place or position for two long. like my legs are separating from my body and being replaced with painful sticks of concrete. it's creating a very attractive walk - i must say.

merry christmas by the way, and yes the 'by the way' is on purpose. doesn't feel much like christmas. all the parking lots are accessible, lines aren't long, and i am not nearly as stressed out as i should be.

i even had time to make 36 deviled eggs and a pecan pie today. that was after shopping, and a mini-nap. explain that people? so i will new year you all later, for now, make the most of the eve of christ's birth. i finally feel mary's pain.

1 comment:

Janszen Schneider said...

Meg, of course you would feel heartburn after eating 36 deviled eggs and an entire pecan pie. As if the 64 ounce big gulp of Dr. P never gave you heartburn!! If the "mid-wives" say that you should drink lots of water and lay down with your feet up if you feel a contraction, then does that mean you have been getting contractions for the past 20 years???!!


I kid because I care. I love you and can't wait to meet PJ!