Wednesday, September 10, 2008

17....and sleepy

so...i am officially a full 17 weeks today.

and to be honest with you, i am tired. not the first trimester kind of tired. but just regular, not sleeping well at all - kind of tired.

its not the baby, its that the rest of my body clicks on like a lightbulb at 4 am every night. and my husband GOD LOVE HIM snores so bad that it vibrates the bed. which you'd think would soothe me to sleep. it doesn't.

and its like i can't flip the switch for over an hour. i just lay there like a blob waiting to get tired again.

mind you i wake up every morning at 5:45am for school. so i have about 30 minutes of sleep that may or may not happen between getting tired again and before my alarm goes off.

everyone says that i will never sleep again. which is making me nervous because i am not a nice person without it. watch out baby. i guess i apologize now.

signs of exhausting happiness:
...apparently my belly is out there far enough that people are touching it...i don't care, its just a weird phenomenon.
...and when they don't touch it, they comment, or nod, or smile bigger, or open doors.
...and i guess my baby is now 5 inches long-and its bones are hardening...cute i guess.
...two weeks until we find out the sex.
...two weeks until my sister has her third baby...cannot wait to meet him!

1 comment:

emily the mom said...

the funny thing about being a parent is how ironic it can be. you will be able to manage on few hours of sleep and you will be surprised at how nice you might be going on only a few hours of sleep. now i'm not going to classify it as 'normal' nice or anything. but i'm just saying, you'll be surprised.

But then, the weirdes thing happens once the baby [or babies, ha!] has been sleeping thru the night for a while. You'll start to get used to a full nights sleep and then BAM. they'll get up at 3am, and you 're all what the hell? this is the worst thing ever1 I'm so angry...I can't handle this waking up in the middle of the night, regardless of the fact that you were waking up every hour just a few short months before....

so there's my motherly observation for the day. and i probably just made you feel worse. great, emily. nice one.