Wednesday, September 24, 2008


That's right, I said the pronoun.


I can't stop saying it. and it feels so right. and i just knew it. somehow i knew it.

i even wore a pink skirt and some pink underwear today to prepare for HER.

and she is perfect. kicking her legs around, moving her arms, popping her head in and out of focus.

I have never seen anything so cute in my life. i am in love with my daughter.

and our scanner/printer is on the fritz so getting the ultrasound shot on here may be a miracle.
and i think we have had our share of miracles today. so i am not pushing it.

things that immediately flushed through my mind when the technician whispered "its a girl" to me.....
1. blonde hair, blue eyes just like her mama.
2. my sister
3. my mom
4. my grandma
5. the ballet
6. teaching her to draw
7. teaching her to dance
8. teaching her to shop
9. how wrapped around her finger greg will be...
10. the words "my daughter"

my mom, aunt susy, mother-in-law, and greg were standing waiting. My sister who goes into the hospital tonight to start labor with my nephew, was on speakerphone. The technician was awesome, she really dug around to be sure before she whispered quietly to me what it was...and when she did i yelled it!

my mom couldn't believe it. neither could my aunt susy. my mother-in-law hugged greg. greg jumped on his phone to text. and my sister let out a blood-curdling scream...part of which i am sure stemmed from a bit of rage, and a huge part from happiness.

it was a great moment. i will never forget it. my daughter.

i called my dad, then my brothers. all asked how kate was...and then immediately asked if mom was already at the stores. my family knows each other really well.

i of course, having not purchased a gosh-darn thing for this baby...immediately ran to the GAP.
i bought my first little hot pink onesie. and i stopped there. moderation. i am going to try to teach my daughter what i never understood. moderation.

feeling anything but moderation in the happiness department tonight.

pictures to come soon i promise. i really do.

ahhh. my daughter.

now of course, you know what this means?



Janszen Schneider said...


Of course congrats!!!!! Now mom gets her Cincinnati granddaughter. But first, hang on. You better just get through 1 before you think about 2. You think you're tired now.... Also, I am really sorry, but Blonde Hair??!!??!! I am not sure I follow. Last I checked, when you were a little girl, you had total blonde hair, but you were little. Now, it's as dark as mine?? Dying is not hereditary, although with mom's Blonde hair, and all of her sisters having BLONDE hair, I can see where the confusion lies.

Love Congrats, and Congrats to Greg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amber Cook said...

How great, Meg! Isn't it the weirdest feeling in the world?? I'm still getting used to calling Jenna my daughter. I had just about assumed I'd only be having boys since I wanted one so badly!

Let me know if you need anything at all, although it sounds like Baby Lynch will have plenty of people shopping for her! (HER!)

somedaymama said...

shut up janszen...i have simply gone back to my "roots"...and if she wants, she can dye her hair just like mommy someday. But i did have real blonde hair until 2nd grade. so there.