Sunday, September 28, 2008

for first time ever...

i am being told to eat more.

so today started out great. i woke up after an almost entire nights sleep, had a bowl of cereal by 830. i had showered, and set off to run some errrands.

while standing at a kinko's picture making machine, i started to get the shakes. kinko's started to spin around and around, and i knew leaning against the machine wasn't enough.

so dripping in sweat, white as a ghost, shaking with that pre-puke feeling...i dropped to the ground.

thank god there was a nice man unloading boxes right beside me. he asked if i was alright...i said nope. he ran and got one of the nice kinko's workers, who immediately brought me a chair, and a glass of water. i called greg, then my midwife.

minutes later greg was there to pick me up, and the doctor called back saying that maybe i should come in and have my vitals and the baby's checked. So off to Good Sam we went.

in conclusion of dramatic scene #465 Baby PJ is fine with a lovely heartrate, and great leg powers as she kept kicking the ultrasound wand. Baby mama however had low blood pressure (first time in her life)...and the very nice midwife named cheyanne told her to EAT PLEASE!

so after checking everything else, they gave me peanut butter crackers, an apple juice and a lengthy list of the foods i should be adding to every meal from now on to avoid dropping like a hot plate to the ground in public places.

so we are fine, both pj and i, and we are making a mental note that food is not the enemy...and that if we eat properly the chances of public embarrassment is lessoned to a certain attainable degree.

drama drama drama...and the saga continues...

1 comment:

Amber Cook said...

Oh--and if you're able to breastfeed, you'll get to gorge yourself again! I feel like all I do right now is eat, sleep, and feed Jenna (and I'm losing weight). It's awesome.