Monday, June 30, 2008

is it too early to be nesting?

so this whole concept of someone entering my house to stay has me wanting to change everything. i want wall to wall carpet. i want new bold colors. i want emptiness.

so far, the only thing i have done is emptied my closets. yes, that word was plural. and i am making myself sick with the amount of clothes i just don't even wear.

5 Glad ForceFlex Lawn bags later, (one filled completely with shoes...) i have to say

1. i am very proud of my ability to discern fashion forward from fashion rewind.
2. i am disgusted by myself.

my only real excuse was that for almost three and half years i had an awesome discount to old navy, gap, and banana. most of what is going in those bags was never purchased full price. and most of the shoes were payless whims at BOGO sales.

and i am like oprah. almost every size is present. well, lets be realistic many sizes are not.

i did have to laugh at this long-sleeved abercrombie t-shirt that i wore in college and loved. i honestly don't think there is ONE THING i could fit in now in that store. (but my shirt still fits perfectly ha ha ha skinny pretty people-there was a time when everyone wore that crap)

or how about the half-sleeved sweater (never wore it thank god)

or the polka-dotted dress and corresponding jacket (again, thank god)

or the 3 million concert t-shirts...(well, i kept a few only to prove to my child how cool i really am, "yes dear, mommy saw snoop dogg before he gave up drugs" "oh yeah, well tell timmy that your mom saw Coldplay in a bar" )

and now, on to my husbands closet. yes, that was singular. actually, i gave him a rack in the basement. let's see if you can beat my 5 bags baby! CHALLENGE!

1 comment:

Amber Cook said...

Meg! I'm so glad to hear from you, and I LOVE your blog. I'm so excited for you and love hearing about all the ups and downs.
I'm in the "want to be normal again" stage of pregnancy, where the novelty has worn off and I'm ready to not be hot, to have a really good pee, and to fit into regular-person clothes again. Small price to pay, though--we're so excited about the little girl to come!