Wednesday, June 18, 2008

when it looked like the sun...

wasn't going to shine anymore...God put a rainbow in the clouds. - maya angelou

a good friend of mine asked me why i was so willing to share my baby news so early...wasn't i scared that something could happen?

i have to think...there will be time to cry if that day comes. right now, i have to focus on the good. this pregnancy, however high risk it may be, is good. it's more than good. it's a miracle.

i read a bunch of stuff on-line when i was trying to conceive, and a lot of it was negative. all sorts of women, angry, sad, depressed, desperate...and i started to sound like them.

even my friend said that the other night i looked different...and my quick comeback was, yea,
it's because i wasn't crying in a room filled with babies. i actually lasted a whole night surrounded by them...without shedding one tear.

so this baby, this tiny little 'sesame seed' sized thing growing inside me, is the perfect rainbow to a very cloudy year. and really, who am i to forecast the weather?

1 comment:

emily the mom said...

You starting the blog was such an awesome idea. I love coming on here and getting to share in all these thoughts and feelings and emotions with you. It makes me feel like I'm right there, just like I used to be! I know this road will be long, and maybe tough - and I'm here to walk it with you!!