Tuesday, September 30, 2008

dramatic scene #466

i am not even sure if this is something to blog about. but writing has always made me feel better. and i guess if you are all reading this cause you want to keep updated, this would be important to share.

plus maybe one or two of you reading this knows something that i don't...and well...i am having a hard time talking about it, without breaking down into a mess so its better that you read rather than decipher through my annoying tears. by the way, no, its not really something i am loving to talk about these days - so just say a prayer for me and i will keep you updated about anything.

i got a call yesterday from one of my midwives. she said that on the ultrasound that was done last weds. that they found what are called bilateral choroid plexus cysts on her brain.

which in terms that i understand means: she has a cyst on either side of her brain.

what that means to us: blood tests taken yesterday to screen for down syndrome (T-13), spina bifida, and T-18. if my tests come back NORMAL then there is very little to worry about and about 95% of the time the cysts dissolve after 28 weeks. if my tests come back ABNORMAL then the only thing they can do for us is offer an amniocentesis to determine an even greater chance of one of those 3 disabilities. and that is a test that i am not sure i would even undergo because of the high level of risk for such an unsure assessment.

NONE of these options guarantee the cysts will dissolve. NONE of these guarantee that our child will be born with a disability. NONE of these are as good as another ultrasound at week 32 (December 24) to determine for sure that the cysts have in fact dissolved.

here's what we have to be hopeful for (a list i am really trying to committ to memory) :
1. everything else on the ultrasound was normal
2. i am under 35
3. i have no history whatsoever of disability in my family history, neither does greg
4. monday or tuesday of next week when we find out the results of the blood tests

this hasn't been the greatest week on record people...vomitting, fainting, cysts. and i know that positive thoughts are important...so if you could all think some for me and baby pj it would be much appreciated. i am really trying hard to think some for us too.



Melanie said...

not sure if this helps but this happened to my friend jena (she was at labor day....british accent husband mark, adorable toddler with curly blond hair steven and baby jordan). she had the cysts with her pregnancy with jordan and they dissolved by the second ultrasound. let me know if it would help you to talk to her. thinking of you guys and little pj....

Unknown said...

Just want you to know that the boys and I are praying for all of you. Unfortunately, the sleeplessness and the worry are all a part of parenthood and I hate that you are having to go through all of this before SHE is even here, BUT your daughter/my niece will be PERFECT no matter what happens. Try to be positive I know its hard but I think you are wise to write your feelings on this. Hope and Faith an wishes for an exceptionally boringk, non-eventful,"fast passing" next couple of weeks! We love you three! Chris

emily the mom said...

positive thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.

I know this is so frustrating. Especially when you can't really get a straight answer - there are so many maybes and what ifs.

I love the three of you so much, and please know that we'll be sending all good vibes your way onver these next few weeks. Let me know if you are still up for some visitors this weekend....i'd love to see you and hug you and your belly in person!

Janszen Schneider said...

I was talking to my sister and she had a friend who went through the same thing and everything ended up being fine, the cysts dissolved, etc. I think this might be more common than we know. Anyway, I know that probably does not make this any better or easier to go through but just some food for thought and you know we are always thinking about you and greg and the baby and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!! I know everything will be ok. Love-B, J and M2

Greg Lynch said...

I just wanted to thank every one for their thoughts and prayers. It's great knowing you have so many good people in your life to help us through the positive and negative moments in life.