Sunday, November 9, 2008

mommy+fashionable=still the same meg

this is the purse/diaper bag/patent leather piece of heaven that i spoke of forever ago. it is huge, it is silver inside, it is so much fun to wear, it will kill me to put smelly diapers in here...but i will find a way to get past that for the sake of loveliness and deliciousness that comes with using it.

go ahead...drool...i did. or make fun, nothing will be as cool as pj and i and our big yellow bag.

hee hee...she is kicking just looking at it.


Scott Gillard said...

Meg, here's a tip from an "experienced" parent: throw the smelly diapers away, put the clean, un-used ones in your diaper bag. Call me if you ever need any other tips.


Sue-B Wernke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue-B Wernke said...

I was going to leave the same comment but Scott beat me to it! haha. I'm not even a mom and I know that. Love the blog!