Sunday, November 30, 2008

bittersweet saturday

so, the only way to describe yesterday is to call it bittersweet.

1. it was my grandma's birthday...and i still miss her like crazy.
2. my aunt's store, the century house in glendale, burned to the ground.
3. my first baby shower was thrown by my aunts.

so the first meant that i cried a little thinking about how there was never a gift that my grandma wanted other than time with her...and maybe a nice letter...and i wish i could have given her that yesterday.

the second left me stunned. and deeply sad for my aunt susy who has everything wrapped up in that beautiful old store. and amazed at what one little candle and something falling on it can do in such a short time. i know there is a silver lining in this situation somewhere...and i really hope that she finds it.

the third happened as the century house was burning...therefore my aunt susy and my mom could not attend my shower...but it was okay cause i barely felt like i was there myself... i was thinking about a billion things other than my when i heard my cousin say to my sister "man she sounds just like your mom" while i was trying to do my best at entertaining as my mom would have done - i have to admit i felt better and tried to be more present.

and pj got some fantastic stuff...all of her carseats and strollers...her monitor, changing pad and covers, lots of rattles, toys, pacifiers, cute stuffed animals, her first doll, and clothes of course. its all been put away in her room in great anticipation of her arrival. she is one very lucky little girl. daddy even put together her first stroller, and we practiced hooking the pumpkin seat into it...cause she will be in there in less than 12 weeks now. wow.


metzem said...

so sorry to hear about your aunt's store. That's terrible.

emily the mom said...

I still can't believe it. My dad just happened to drive by as it was happening - when he came in the house and told us I was dumbfounded.

sending a million more good vibes abd prayers your way, my dear.