Wednesday, January 21, 2009

officially cooked...

so all the books say you are officially finished at 36 weeks...that all the rest is just fluff to get the baby chubbier and cuter.

which i can deal with...really...what are four more weeks of no sleep, tight pants, burning hips, waddling strides, emotional outbursts, hunger pangs, and massive urges to use the restroom COMPARED TO a chubbier cuter baby.

i can do it.

i just must will myself to do it...

but i know i can do it.

now if she would just get her feet out of my ribs - i could go longer i bet.

nah, i take that back.

pregnancy bliss update : measuring 37 weeks, and the midwife felt her head - which is ever so gently pressed on top of my bladder, and she felt her little bottom...guessing that she about 6lbs give or take an ounce...which could put her anywhere from 8 - 9 lbs in a few weeks. hmmmmmm.....i knew it....she has basically outgrown half her wardrobe. lovely. oh well...

1 comment:

emily the mom said...

36 weeks! I only lasted another half a week with the boys!!!!!

I can't wait to see you next weekend! You have my permission to go into labor after the shower is over, that way, you know, I'll be there and all.